Headshots and your Age
Recently, I decided to get back into the professional service game of Headshots, Family, Couples, Pets, and Engagements Portraits. (October 2022)
After some time, I realized I needed to reconsider what I did in the past versus now. Over the years I worked in several countries conducting my core business, yet I continued my Photography. In restarting my Photography Services, I felt I needed to reconsider my focus and narrow my interest to mainly Headshots: for Businesses, Artists, Actors, or those in need of creative headshots. Now don’t credit me for being so smart, from the start, as I did what I normally do and said YES to all types of job offerings in several fields, yet I quickly figured it would cost me time and money by trying to do it all.
Headshots became the resolution focus in 2023.
What I did not expect, by focusing on Headshots, was that I would end up becoming a therapist for clients or, as I like to call them Models. Why Models? Once I call them a Model it lightens up the photo shoot session and when they realize they are not just themselves, but they are my fantastic new Model. I want my Models to really enjoy an hour to two-hour session and drop their inhibitions. Many times, the client comes in with a strong sense of who they are and how they look. For me, it’s important to have a good idea of oneself but it’s the second half of the sentence that becomes an issue as I have found to date.
Here are a couple of stories and a lesson we all should remember.
MARYLIN Story: For the sake of this story, I will call my Model ‘Marylin’.
She approached me via an online Services web Company in need of a photographer for a headshot for her new job. After we exchanged an introductory email, followed by a text message and then a call where we agreed to work together. During the call, Marylin informed me she was required to have a new headshot for her Job at a Big Box Store and possibly use the images for social media. She mentioned a dating company called Silver Singles and that it had not had a headshot in 10 years.
The Shot Locations: Marylin opted not to do the shoot at her home nor go into a studio and pay the studio fees which is perfectly fine. I know of hundreds of fine outdoor locations that offer great backgrounds in the greater Marin County. Marylin required a white background and a possible second location with a grey background.
Doing Background Research on my new Model: Marylin’s Gmail photo presented an elegant lady in her mid-40s wearing sunglasses surrounding her long blonde hair. We agreed to meet at a well-known location in San Rafael (that I had scouted out a few days earlier and gained the approval of the owner) for the shot. She agreed to bring along a change of clothes and bring along her own hairbrush, mirror, and makeup.
Arrive Early: I arrived a half hour earlier to find the location for our background clean white wall. Marylin was 20 minutes late so I concluded she was not showing up as she had not paid me the traditional 50% upfront fee. I was packing up when an elderly lady whom I did not recognize at first asked if I was Ted. Was this Marylin? It took a few minutes to see her as she is today and not what I saw on Gmail. Marylin wasn’t 40ish but maybe in her early 70’s. I welcomed her and offered coffee, tea, or water while we talk and before she applied lipstick and makeup.
Having time for a conversation with my models before the shot is important for both of us: Marylin was quite chatty and informed me she had enjoyed a full fun life in love, and business. Marylin told me she worked in LA and was well-traveled, enjoyed live music, and then it got juicy. She informed me when she was in her late ’40-’50s was one of the original ‘Cougars’. And described her wonderful love life and that she was not shy to tell me she carries on till today. Good on her!
The Session: I began taking some test shots and talked her through the test shots to gain her eye’s focus on the camera, elongating her neck, bringing her forehead slightly forward, and finding her natural smile. As time/age is not normally complementary to us, I feel we can turn the clock back with the right lighting, head angle, clothing color along with hair and makeup for the photograph.
Marylin went from looking her age in the first 30 minutes when she asked if she could braid her hair. Yes, please go ahead. After ten minutes of hair braiding, a new warm-colored button-down shirt with a light vest jacket lit up her face. We moved outside to the Grey wall that I had found nearby, and I swear she looked 10+ years younger. Her natural smile came through and I could really see her true inner self in the shot.
Results: We ended up taking 70 pictures and offered her a dozen images on a proof sheet. See the end of the blog/story.
Jack’s Story: Jack is in a field of business that dried up during 2 years of COVID-19. To complicate his life, he required Surgery that has taken him away from his sporting life and divorce from his second wife that I won’t go into. I could really feel Jack, he’s a nice guy, with all his issues.
COVID-19 hurt so many innocent people’s life plans from around the world and at home.
Jack: required a new headshot for his new dream job which brought him back to being fully employed with a major company that he desired to work for. We went through the steps, all the initial steps in preparing for his headshots and he opted to do the headshots at his temporary home. He also paid the 50% upfront fee.
Headshot Equipment: I brought along the tripod stands for the white or grey backdrop along with two professional lighting units to complement my model features. I also brought along three power Hermes Ties to compliment his white Oxford shirt, and a dark suit with a focus to make his blue eyes pop. The time to set up the Headshot equipment was 17 minutes.
Jack’s Results: The Photo session went smoothly, the time we spent together was One hour and I was off to edit and highlight his features. After editing the 36 pictures I turned over 12 photographs in a Proof sheet. After emailing the proof sheet when I received a quick call with an odd comment: These are not my Pictures, this is not how I look, why do you have me looking like this?
Marylin & Jack’s end results: Both Models had the same reaction to their new headshot photographs. This is not me!
Jack Story, I knew had gone to Italy with his ex-wife, last summer so I asked him to get his Passport. I told him to get his passport and look at the picture. As I explained, most pictures of us are taken 5-6 or more feet away. They tend not to show facial features or the lifelines on our faces. I went on to tell Jack if you think a headshot is a close-up Picture then you have to see your Passport it’s much more intrusive and defines every line on their face and hairline.
Jack did call back and came to realize this is who he is today in his early Fifties as he got good advice from his true consultant = his Mother.
Jack paid me the second half and full fee and he got over his new facial lifeline features.
Marylin Story: She offered to pay me on the day with a credit card but as per the contract she signed it had to be a Paypal/Venmo payment. After following her up for weeks and trying to contact her several times she did respond. She, weeks later, informed me in not the nicest words that she decided the photos were an insult to her and I made her look ugly. I explained the lifeline’s story and felt bad for her. I offered to give her the photo session for free as she needed a headshot. And learn my lesson.
Ted’s Lesson Learned: Do not go to a job without the first 50% payment ever again. And maybe use softer lighting in the future???